What is a property management agreement
Whether you are a first-time landlord with just one property or a housing association with a wide range of homes, a property manager can be
Whether you are a first-time landlord with just one property or a housing association with a wide range of homes, a property manager can be
When you or your tenant decide to terminate a lease, it sets in motion a move-out process with several stages. Often, this can feel like
Decorating a home you rent can be tricky to navigate. Landlords are often tentative about the idea of any permanent changes to their investment. They’re
Unless you’re already a seasoned handyman by profession, one of the most intimidating things about becoming a landlord is the regular repair and maintenance a
Whether you’re new to the business or a long-time rental property owner, hiring a property manager can be a worthwhile investment. To find the perfect
With varying term-length contracts available, R.A.D Property Management specialises in the rental market in Jersey. Check out our listings of available properties or get in touch to find out more about our services.
La Cachette, Rue de Huquet, St Martin, Jersey, JE3 6HU | richard.dawson@radmanagement.co.uk | 01534 880968